UNI STEM Coordinator new vice chair of Black Hawk County REAP Committee
Marcy Seavey, STEM Coordinator at UNI will serve as the new vice chair of the Black Hawk County REAP (Resource Enhancement And Protection) Committee. Josh Balk, Dry Run Creek Watershed and Source Water Coordinator is the new committee Chair.

County REAP Committees are made up of all of the REAP stakeholders within the county at the state, county, and city level working together with community members to address community recreation, conservation, and land management issues. Each county REAP committee creates a county plan and meets twice a year to share about the projects each organization plans to take forward as proposals to the Iowa REAP. Since 1998, Black Hawk County has received more than $9 million in funding to support REAP projects such as trail improvements, native vegetation planting, research projects, play ground and showers for camp grounds, educational materials, historical map preservation, historic building preservation and more. The University of Northern Iowa has received funding for prairie research projects and land owner and educator workshops and to support preservation of UNI student newspapers and rural school records. Learn more on the Iowa REAP Website.